A SCHOOLGIRL was approached by an unknown man in the second suspicious incident in two weeks.

The girl was walking along the road when a man suddenly pulled up alongside her in a silver hatchback car.

The man then reportedly threw a dark blue Superdry coat at the girl and shouted at her repeatedly and angrily to put it on.

The girl then ran from the scene unharmed and did not see the vehicle again.

The incident occurred on May 13 at 4.40pm on Sandford Road in Wareham.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: “Officers are carrying out enquiries into the incident and have increased patrols in the area. The local neighbourhood policing team has also been made aware and officers are liaising with the children and their families.

“Enquiries are ongoing to identify the man involved and establish the full circumstances of the incident.”

This comes after a similar incident that occurred a week ago where a boy was approached by a man in a black coat asking if the boy wanted a lift to school.

Andrew Mead, headmaster at Lytchett Minster School said: “We do not know if the same man is implicated in both incidents.

“It is unsettling for children and their parents to think that a number of young people have been approached in the Sandford area by a male stranger.

“We have been informed that the police are increasing their patrols in the area.”

A letter was sent to parents on May 15 to warn parents of the strange behaviour surrounding the school.

The letter read: “The incident took place near the 29029 restaurant in Sandford and the man was travelling from the Wareham direction.

“We would advise students not to walk home on their own. If they are approached by a male in a silver Peugeot (the car with the lion logo) they should, if possible, make a note of the registration number and report the incident to the police - 999 (when they are safely at home) and to the school.

“They should not engage with the stranger in any kind of conversation.”